Pick A Side Part 1_ Secrets of Power


Goddess Rants: Pick A side (Secrets of Power)

Have you ever wondered how a man from no where, I mean, someone with a name that no one can even pronounce; all of a sudden becomes this well known, household name, a powerful figure that we just can't get enough of. Have you ever asked yourself what it would take for you to get to that level of success? Well, I did and like a million times over, until I became obsessed with finding answers. It's gonna take a whole lifetime to fully explain it all but the answer is simple: Pick a side!

What is Power?:

I would like to define Power as the ability to maintain a constant flow of activity in a system, keeping the system in constant equilibrium despite the ongoing hurdles or distractions. I remember, I was never good at athletics but one thing I was often selected to do was to run the egg and spoon race. Victory is in a steady hand and not fast legs. Balance takes practice, hard work, patience and blocking the noise (applause or boos), to get to the finished line. To keep a steady path, you must keep a steady head; your upward force must be equal to the downward force exerted by your body.

Seems like a lot of words and physics involved but simply put, Power is the ability to BEND and NOT BREAK! It's about keeping your balance, staying afloat, focused and maintaining poise even when all hell breaks loose. Its about finding, learning and perfecting the hidden treasures I will call the 'principles' or 'secrets' of power, with knowledge obtained through constant reading, research and dedication to apply them. Power is the key to obtain anything you can imagine, when faith is activated.

What Power is NOT?:

The common belief that power comes easy with the right connections, or prayer or faith is a total myth that must be debunked. Power does not come easy no matter how connected you are, how faithful or prayerful you are. You need to unlock the secret, period.

Power is not the ability to control people around you. Rather, it is the ability to influence the decision makers, the controllers, the 'powers' that be, through service, thereby causing them to respond to your will, of their own free will; the ability to enjoy the rulers making decrees that favors you, thinking it was their idea all along. No wonder you often hear the phrase, 'power of a woman'. It is not obtained through manipulation, coersion or aggression, it is earned through a shift of perceptions.

Power is not necessarily obtained by sitting at the top of the throne but sitting at the feet, influencing the throne through service.

Power is not wealth. Power can help you get wealth but you do not need to be wealthy inorder for you to be powerful. A poor man can walk into a room and intimidate a king. Power is about controlling the 'forces at work' in a room, silencing the noises and be still when everyone shouts. The carvings of Mount Rushmore is stately and command great respect, yet no one has ever heard them speak; tourists flock from all around the world just to go see them. There's great power even in silence.

Sources of Power:

There are tons of ways to harness power but it comes from two living sources. These are two opposing forces controlling all the types of power that can ever exist in the universe. Mind you, I used the word 'Opposing', meaning they cannot coexist within the same system.

Also I used the word, 'Living' Sources, cause they are indeed alive and have existed since the beginning of time and if you need to operate in unlimited power, that bends but not break, a sustaining power in the midst of war, then you need to pick a side. Its either the power of the authentic or the counterfeit. Mind you, both powers are potent, supernatural and extraordinary. You can operate in either one and be unstoppable not in both at the same time. There are repercussions for breaking the secret laws and depending on your frequency level, power can be turned hot or cold. The hot level requires a huge amount of sacrifice needed to obtain maximum rewards of power which is equally high for both types of powers and can be very rare depending on your level of frequency (hot or cold). But that is a topic for another day.

Now there's a thin line between authentic and counterfeit and many people have crossed it without even knowing it. The lack of understanding how to decipher between the two powers is also the reason why most people are stuck in the middle, in an area, that I choose to call the 'grey area'. Now being stuck in the grey area, is a dangerous place to be. It is a powerless place, a domain of no power at all. Being 'lukewarm' is also equally as ineffective too. Operating in either the authentic or the counterfeit source of power, but not hot enough will give rise to surmounting attack from 'opposing' forces of either side of the spectrum, and leaves you powerless. Now, again that's another topic for another day.

Types of Power:

Stay connected to learn more......

Till then,


"The heart of a matter, is the state of your mind in that matter"..... goddess rants

Be kind to your mind, think positive, take 'mind breaks', like naps and less times of worry, take mind fasts - controlling your mind by being intentional of sifting what you think about, and smile more.......

There are no light crowns. All crowns are beautiful and HEAVY......

Love JayceePEE


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